Saturday, 15 January 2011


At first it was tedious to go through all of our footage and cut it down, we all agreed we thought we had too much of it. I had filmed the same shots two or three times to get them right. After we'd cut them down though we had a general idea of how the shots would be put together, I suggested that the 'wall scene' (pictures of random people made to look like a stalkerish bedroom wall) should come first and then a news report saying '66 people have gone missing'. This would be the catalyst to the end result which we hadn't decided till much later on in editing, we decided to take one step at a time as I'd suggested we had to get new footage of someone being a news reporter before we filmed and we hadnt found time to do it.

But before we could actually start editing, we had to put our logo in, and from the list we all decided to choose 'Locked Productions' I think this is because it was not cliched and it had an underlying reason - someone being trapped in their past and then having no choice but to face it (or Balthazar).

We found that as it was taking a long time to edit so I decided to plan ahead and suggested all the 'victim shots' go together, this, I thought, would be a good idea and would come near the end of the teaser trailer. My group disagreed however as I had filmed other shots linked to our plot such as getting off the train and trains passing by, which were edited and made faster later.

As the shots I took formed themselves into more of a trailer we put in a green band at the beginning:

Here are the rest of the shots I took and my reasons for doing so:

- when louise misses train : this is when she begins to get stalked as she is alone when she misses the train
- when balthazar intrudes into shot : its like balthazar looks into the audience to say no one is saf from thier past
- louise walking under bridge towards camera : makes it personal, like she's walking to audience for help
- Balthazar attacking and injecting Simon : side shot to see how B grabs S and forces him down to inject him
- Balthazar injecting Simon : close up looks as though S is actually getting injected but syringe has no point
- random train shots : our setting, train station